Historical Calendar

2024 Calendar

 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
Link to PDF of WoodForum
January 2
February 6  Dave Marks - Bentwood lamination 2024-4_SCWA_newsletter.pdf
March 5  
April 29 Chimera tour with milk paint demonstration by Kalia Kliban
May 25 Studio Visit and Artist Talk by John Moldovan
June 4

July 2 Studio Visit and Artist Talk by James Gray
Aug 3 Field trip to Arborica and talk by Evan Shively 2024-9_SCWA_newsletter.pdf
Sept 3
October 1
November 12 Annual Meeting - Two Rock School of Woodworking 2024-11_SCWA_newsletter.pdf

December  3

2024 Artistry in Wood: Judges' Evening-Museum of Sonoma County

2024-12 SCWA newsletter.pdf


2023 Calendar 

 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
January 10
 Michael Cooper - Museum of Sonoma County 2023-1 SCWA newsletter.pdf
February 7  
March 7  An Evening with David Marks - at David's shop 2023-3_SCWA_newsletter.pdf
April 4

May 2

June 6

July 4
Aug 8 Member projects and general get-together
Sept 5
October 10 Zoom Meeting with Gary Rogowski: Fixing Mistakes 2023-10_SCWA_newsletter.pdf
November 14 Artistry in Wood 2023: Judges' Evening 2023-11 SCWA newsletter.pdf
December  5
Artistry in Wood 2023: Makers' Evening

2022 Calendar 

 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
January 4
 Cancelled due to COVID-19

February 8  Cancelled due to COVID-19 2022-2 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
March 8  Cancelled due to COVID-19
April 12 Out-of-Covid-Isolation get together: Member show and tell new projects.  2022-4 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
May 10 Cancelled due to COVID-19

June 7
Cancelled due to COVID-19

July 16 A basic steam bending demonstrations by Harvey Newman and Don Jereb.
Aug 2 Cancelled due to COVID-19

Sept 6 Cancelled due to COVID-19
October 4
2022-10 SCWA newsletter.pdf
November 8

December  6
Specialty hand planes presented by Mark Tindley
 2022-12 SCWA newsletter.pdf

2021 Calendar 

 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
January 5
 Cancelled due to COVID-19

February 2  Cancelled due to COVID-19 2021-3 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
March 2  Cancelled due to COVID-19 2021-4 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
April 6 April Zoom Meeting (7PM): "Share your latest Shop Projects (finished or unfinished)"  
May 4 Cancelled due to COVID-19

June 1
Cancelled due to COVID-19
2021-6 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
July 6 Cancelled due to COVID-19  
Aug 10
Cancelled due to COVID-19
Sept 7 Cancelled due to Covid -19  
October 5 Cancelled due to Covid-19
November 9 Artistry in Wood: Judges Night, Museum of Sonoma County 7PM 2021-10 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
December  14
Artistry in Wood: Makers Night, Museum of Sonoma County 7PM
 2021-12 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf

2020 Calendar 

 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
January 7
2020-2 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
February 11  Michael Finizio - How I went from being a civil engineer in NYC to a self-taught professional woodworker, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
2020-3 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
March 3  Malcolm Tibbetts - Segmented wood turning & sculptures - 180 Studios

April 7 Cancelled due to COVID-19
May 2 Cancelled due to COVID-19

June 2
Cancelled due to COVID-19 2020-7 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
July 7 Cancelled due to COVID-19
Aug  Annual Summer Picnic - Ann & Don Jereb's home: cancelled due to Covid-19
Sept 1 Cancelled due to COVID-19
 2020-9 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
October 27 Zoom meeting at 7:00 pm - details via member email blast
November 17 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2020-11 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
December  15
Zoom Meeting: 7:00 pm - Artistry in Wood (lite) Exhibit: Video and Makers Presentations
 2020-12 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf


 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
 January 19
 Bruce Berry - Berry's Mill tour,  Cazadero
2019-2 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 February 19
 Robert Darr - Wooden Boat Building, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
2019-3_4 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 March 28  Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
2019-3_4 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 April 2 Dr Seri Robinson - Spalted wood creation and turning, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)  2019-5 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 May 7
 Michael Wallace - Arts and Crafts Masters
2019-6 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 Cancelled 2019-7 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 July 9
 Mark Tindley - Superglue! Tips and tricks from a professional woodworker.  2019-8 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 Aug 10 SCWA Annual BBQ - Don Jereb's home - details to follow 2019-9 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 Sept 10 Kalia Kliban - Finishing - Watching paint dry  2019-10 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 October 1 Debey Zito - Design, Japanese Architecture and Furniture
2019-11 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 November 19 Judges and Awards Evening
2019-12 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 December 10
 Makers and Annual Membership Meeting 
 2020-1 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
 January 9
 Andrew Carruthers - violin maker, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa) 2018-2 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 February 6
 Robert Berry - TurboCad, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa) 2018-3 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 March 6
 Greg Zall - Parquetry, Greg's Shop (Petaluma) 2018-4 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 April 3
Bill Taft - Boat Building,  180 Studios (Santa Rosa) 2018-5 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 May 1
 Hugh Buttrum - Turning,  180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
2018-6 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 June 5
  Michael Cullen - Blurring the edges of Craft through Collaboration
2018-7 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 July 10
 Philip Nereo - Architectural Woodworking -- Tools & techniques  2018-8 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 August 11(Sat)
SCWA Summer BBQ @ Don Jereb's place.
2018-9 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 September 14
Garrett Hack - My Work and Life in Furniture 2018-10 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 October 2
Leif Calvin, 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
2018-11 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
November 13  Artistry In Wood Show: Opening Meeting w/Judges, Sonoma County  Museum
2018-12 SCWA newsletter sfs2.pdf
December 11 
Annual Meeting + AIW - Maker's Meeting @ Sonoma County Museum 
2019-1 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf





 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
 January 10
 Tyler Chartier, photographing woodwork, Cotati Cottages WF_2017-02
 February 15
 Tim Killen on Sketch-up, Cotati Cottages WF_2017-03
 March 7
 Michael Wallace,  Mid-Century Furniture Design/Techniques,
 Cotati Cottages
 April 4
Mark Tindley, making Greene and Greene style tables, Cotati  Cottages  WF_2017-05
 May 2
 Om Anand on his work; Cotati Cottages
 June 6
 Mark Knize on his work - at 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
 July 11
 Thomas Vogel, a Modern Approach to Kumiko-Zaiku:
 Democratizing Japanese Design - at 180 Studios (Santa Rosa)
 August 12 (Sat)
SCWA Summer BBQ @ Don Jereb's place.
Also: "Hearing Protection in the Shop Environment"
 September 5
Kevin Fryer: Harpsichords @ 180 Studios
 October 3
Thomas Fetherston: "Modern Design and Craftsmanship" @ 180 Studios
 November 15 (Wed) Artistry In Wood Show: Opening Meeting w/Judges, Sonoma County  Museum
December 9 (Sat)

December 12(Tues)
Dec. 9th (Saturday): Holiday Party @ Don Naple's House

Dec. 12th (Tuesday): Annual Meeting + AIW - Maker's Meeting @ Sonoma County Museum 


 Month & date
 Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
 January 12
 Greg Zall , his furniture, his shop; Petaluma
 Feb 2016 WF
 February 2
 Dugan Essick, CA Furniture;  Cotati Cottages
 Mar 2016 WF
 March 1
 Scott Wynn on handplanes, probably at Scott Borski's
 Apr 2016 WF
 April 9 (Saturday)
 Garry Knox Bennett, tour his shop, collection; Oakland
 May 2016 WF
 May 3
 Scott Constable, Wowhaus, Deepcraft-- Cotati Cottages
 Jun 2016 WF
 June 7
 Len Brackett, Japanese carpenter and designer; Cullen shop
 Jul 2016 WF
 July 9 (Saturday)
 Tripp Carpenter, Carrying on in Art’s tradition; Bolinas
 Aug 2016 WF
 August 13 (Saturday)
 Small shops: Hartman, Taft, Buttrum, Moraes, BBQ  Sep 2016 WF
 September 14
 Show meeting, Judgment Day, S.C. Museum
 Oct 2016 WF
 October 4
 Show meeting with Makers, S.C. Museum
 Nov 2016 WF
 November 15
 John Mello, Luthier, venue: Cotati Cottages
 Dec 2016 WF
 December (Saturday)  Holiday party, Don Naples' house in Healdsburg
 Jan 2017 WF


Live links on right point to five years of Wood Forum articles on past meetings; information on woodworkers and their specialties

 Month  Presenter and Venue
 link to PDF of WoodForum
Ken Napior, Antique Reproduction at Scott Borski's
 Feb 2015 Woodforum
 February  Jeff Dale, Custom Furniture at Rancho Cotate HS woodshop
 Mar 2015 Woodforum
 March  Whit McLeod, furniture from re-cycled wine tanks
 Apr 2015 Woodforum
 Richmond Field Station, wood samples
 May 2015 Woodforum
 Mark Tindley, copying a Stradivarius violin
 Jun 2015 Woodforum
 A visit to Schoenstein Organ Co. in Benicia
 Jul 2015 Woodforum
 Chris Weiss, modern furniture informed by Japanese tradition
 Aug 2015 Woodforum
 Bob Sanderson, making hinges of solid brass
 Sep 2015 Woodforum
 Artistry in Wood show with judges
 Oct 2015 Woodforum
 October  Artistry in Wood show with artists
 Nov 2015 Woodforum
 November  Brian Condran, Design...
 Dec 2015 Woodforum
 December  Holiday party at Janet and Don Naples
 Jan 2016 Woodforum


Live links on right point to five years of Wood Forum articles on past meetings; information on woodworkers and their specialties  

link to Wood Forum
 January  Ian Agrell, master carver, architectural carving, Bay Area, Britain, India  February 2014.pdf
 February  Ron Ashby, owner, Shellac.net, finishing expert, Napa
 March 2014.pdf
 March  Tom Ribbecke, master guitar maker, arch top guitars, Healdsburg
 April 2014.pdf
 April  Paul Discoe, owner, Paul Discoe Designs, Zen architect, Oakland
 May 2014 sfs.pdf
 May  Russell Baldon, Chair, Furniture Dept., CCA - S.F., post-studio furniture  June 2014 sfs.pdf
 Jeff Shallenberger, furniture maker, and stave-built drums, Santa Cruz
 July 2014 sfs.pdf
 Small Shops visits to Hofmann, Wallace, Hirsch, Tindley, plus BBQ
 August 2014 sfs.pdf
 Guild Meeting with Michael Cullen, bringing it back home
 2014-09 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 September  Annual Show meeting with Judges, Welter, Reiber, 
 2014-10 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
Makers discuss their pieces, processes, S.C. Museum
 2014-11 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 November New Materials at Rancho Cotate H. S. Woodshop, Blum hardware, Kirei products
 2014-12 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf
 December  Holiday Pary at David Mark's shop...
 2015-1 SCWA newsletter sfs.pdf


Nick Christianson, Urban Hardwoods, making, marketing products of urban forest February 2013.pdf
John Phillips, world class harpsichord builder; how to build a harpsichord  March 2013.pdf
Roger Heitzman, art deco furniture maker, sculptor; a re-cap of his career  April 2013.pdf
Elizabeth Lundburg, turner extraordinaire; carved, turned vessels  May 2013.pdf
Greg Hay, local furniture builder; a re-cap of his career in woodwork
 June 2013.pdf
June Andy Jacobson, local woodworker; his new showcase home in Petaluma  July 2013.pdf
Evan Shively, wood sawyer, owner of Arborica, a custom mill in Marshall  August 2013.pdf
no meeting due to S.C. Museum postponing Artistry in Wood show  September 2013.pdf
Artistry in Wood, Judges decide awards, evaluate pieces; Bench Doggs hold firm  October 2013.pdf
Paul Schurch, marquetry expert and teacher discusses his work and experience  November 2013.pdf
November Guild meeting w. Steve Wigfield; Steve's career, new workbench, shop processes
 December 2013.pdf
Holiday get-together at the home of Don Ajello and Linda Illsley  January 2014.pdf


link to Wood Forum
 January  Robert Erickson, furniture maker, chair specialist from Nevada City  February 2012.pdf
 February  John Lavine, Chinese and Japanese Joinery; historical development  March 2012.pdf
 March  Walter Kitundu, musical instruments, sculptor, MacArthur prize winner  April 2012.pdf
 Laura Mays, COR-FW chair, furniture maker, educator from Ireland
 May 2012.pdf
 Bruce Johnson, sculptor; a visit to his studio in Cazadero  June 2012.pdf
 John Economaki, Owner, Bridge City Tools; tool maker extraordinaire  July 2012.pdf
 Art Carpenter remembered; Tripp Carpenter, Kathleen Hanna, Grif Okie
 August 2012.pdf
 August  Artistry in Wood show w. judges  September 2012.pdf
 September  Artistry in Wood show w. makers  October 2012.pdf
 October  Dan Stalzer, worker in green wood, chair building in green wood  November 2012.pdf
 November  Guild meeting: Zall, fit cabinet to walls; David Marks, overview on finishing
 December 2012.pdf
 December  Holiday get-together at the home of Don Ajello and Linda Illsley  January 2013.pdf


link to Wood Forum
 January Don Naples, owner, Wood Artistry,  discusses high end speakers
 Feb 2011.pdf
 February Merryll Saylan, wood turner, on making her signature decorative disks
 Mar 2011.pdf
 March Ron Hock, maker of Hock blades, discusses steel, blades and sharpening
 April 2011.pdf
Ejler Hjorst-Westh, COR-FW, discusses details of making chairs
 May 2011.pdf
 May Tom Segura and Dan Lyke win Wooden Boat Challenge at Bodega Bay
 June 2011.pdf
 June Kevin Drake, owner Glen-Drake Tools, specialty tools for fine woodworking
 July 2011.pdf
 July Artistry in Wood show with judges, Brian Newell, John Lavine, Julian Shaw  August 2011.pdf
 August 2011 show walk through with makers of the pieces, discussion, comments
 September 2011.pdf
 September Loy Martin, custom furniture maker, Palo Alto, reviews his career
 October 2011.pdf
 October Marketing:w. Jeff Barnell, the Kermodes, Craig Collins, Sharon Eager  November 2011.pdf
 November David Marks discusses his signature pieces, finishing techniques
 December 2011.pdf
 December Holiday get-together at the home of Don Ajello and Linda Illsley  January 2012.pdf

link to Wood Forum
At Luthiers Mercantile w. Harry Fleishman, Guitar builder  February 2010.pdf
February Jerry Kermode, long time all around turner
 March 2010.pdf
March Joe Amaral, finishing expert from Ft. Bragg
 April 2010.pdf
April  At Design Workshops in Oakland with owner Richard Bourdon
 May 2010.pdf
George Miller, maker and designer of intricate wooden puzzles  June 2010.pdf
A visit with Greg Zall and Karl Shumaker, marquetry masters
 July 2010.pdf
A visit to Berkeley Mills and to studio of Meryl Saylan, turner
 August 2010.pdf
August Guild Members: Larry Stroud, James Stadig and John DeMarchi
 September 2010.pdf
September Artistry in Wood show with judges, winner, Michael Cooper's Ruby  October 2010.pdf
October Makers of show pieces discuss their work
 November 2010.pdf
An evening with Michael Cullen, who discusses collaboration
 December 2010.pdf
Holiday Party at Don Ajello and Linda Illsley's home in Santa Rosa

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