Sonoma County Woodworkers' Association recognizes that discrimination - including, but not limited to, systemic racism - is real. We are an inclusive organization, and we welcome all people with an interest in the woodworking craft. |
The SCWA welcomes beginning or experienced woodworkers and invites you to JOIN US and become part of our active organization. You will enhance your woodworking education and enjoy all of our "members only" benefits. |
____________________________________________ Photos from 2023 Artistry in Wood Link to all 2023 show photos -> ______________________________________ Andrew Carruthers - the making of a violin Short film of Andrew Carruthers, violin maker in Santa Rosa, CA, building a violin from scratch. Filmed over the course of 17 days, footage totaling just about 24 hours in total, compressed into this ~10 minute film.
Welcome to SCWA's YouTube channel. Check back regularly as content grows. | This Month's Wood Forum
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SCWA RESOURCESWoodworking classes in |